All Collectibles in Crater in Solar Ash – Voidrunner Cache

Posted by Tobi Tarwater on Tuesday, May 2, 2023

There's a few collectibles to find in Solar Ash known as Voidrunner Caches. Even though they are optional, finding them all in a particular area will earn you a new suit. Each suit has a specific buff on it, but these are not needed. They just help you slightly as you make your way through the title.

There is only one to find in the first area of the game, the Crater. The first cache in Crater is located after you have activated and made contact with Cyd. Behind the pillar where Cyd is, is one of the entrances to an anomaly.

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Go to it, and all you need to do is hold down the button prompt that appears, and an audio log will play out. Due to being the only cache in this area, you will automatically receive a new suit—Tempest Adagio. This suit reduces timeslip cooldown.

Luckily, all the caches give off a beam of blue light, so they are easily locatable. But getting to the later ones is a different story. The first is only a taste.

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