Best Paladin Decks for Scholomance (June 2022) – Standard & Wild!

Posted by Lourie Helzer on Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Paladin has had quite a few different options available to it in the past. However, recently the class has seen harder times. Regardless, we'll be featuring all the best Hearthstone Paladin decks you can try in the Scholomance Academy expansion. We've got some different tools to work with, so there's some interesting new options to now bring to the standard or wild ladder.

The Paladin class has had quite a few different options available to it over the life of Hearthstone. It was more of a midrange and control class originally, but eventually got access to some pretty interesting combo options. It has also had stints of being a pretty powerful aggro class with Mechs and Murlocs running wild. Paladin also has been known as a class that buffs minions with various spells. Prior to the Year of the Phoenix the class was struggling a bit, but things have been looking up for Paladin after the rotation.

Best Paladin Decks for Scholomance Standard

The best decks for Paladin in the Scholomance meta right now are the Pure Paladin and Murloc Paladin decks! Pure or Libram Paladin is showing quite a bit of success in the early stages of the new expansion. We will wait and see if the deck can continue to do well into the future.

Pure Libram Paladin Deck

Paladin got some pretty interesting cards in the Scholomance Academy expansion. We start off with First Day of School which costs 0-mana, and gets you 2 random 1-cost minions. This is a pretty amazing card that will help us have something to play early, and will also fill out our curve later. It also gives us fodder for our future buff cards, which we have quite a few of in the deck. Argent Braggart is quite the card, and could be pretty insane going forward. If you go against any deck that cheats out a big minion early, this is a great response to it. This can be a solid top deck, and it can also be used in the early game to match your opponent's board. Goody Two-Shields is another card that could just be crazy early on. It gets the Divine Shield right off the bat, and if your opponent can't wipe it off the board, we can even get it back once it has popped!

Towards the mid-game, we've got High Abbess Alura who can get some pretty crazy pulls from our deck. A turn four Libram of Hope ? I'll take one of those please. We also have Devout Pupil who could become very cheap very quickly. With things like Libram of Wisdom and Hand of A'dal , we're looking to drop the cost of it quite easily. Overall, this is a pretty crazy looking deck, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it fares!

Paladin Neutral 2x - Aldor Attendant 2x - First Day of School 2x - Hand of A'dal 2x - Libram of Wisdom 1x - Murgur Murgurgle 2x - Shotbot 2x - Goody Two-Shields 2x - Consecration 2x - Lightforged Zealot 2x - Aldor Truthseeker 2x - Blessing of Authority 1x - High Abbess Alura 2x - Libram of Justice 2x - Devout Pupil 1x - Lady Liadrin 1x - Lightforged Crusader 2x - Libram of Hope

Deck Code

AAECAZ8FBJuuA/y4A4TBA8PRAw3cA5yuA422A8q4A/24A+q5A+u5A+y5A8rBA57NA7/RA8DRA8rRAwA= Copy Code

Murloc Paladin

Murloc Paladin hasn't slowed down at all after the Scholomance expansion has launched. It's still a strong deck, even without receiving any help from the new set!

Paladin Neutral 2x - Imprisoned Sungill 2x - Murloc Tidecaller 2x - Hand of A'dal 2x - Murmy 1x - Murgur Murgurgle 2x - Toxfin 2x - Underlight Angling Rod 2x - Fishflinger 2x - Consecration 2x - Hench-Clan Hogsteed 2x - Truesilver Champion 2x - Murloc Tidehunter 2x - Coldlight Seer 2x - Murloc Warleader 2x - Felfin Navigator 1x - Hoard Pillager

Deck Code


Off-Meta Paladin Decks

These are decks that are more for fun or will put your opponent off-guard. In the right player's hand, off-meta decks can be quite powerful.

Duel Paladin

Duel Paladin looks to send in powerful minions from its deck to face off against your opponent's minions. This is pretty much a "big" deck, which looks to get big minions on the board far earlier in the game. Unfortunately, the tools don't seem to be completely there at the moment. We'll see if this deck gets better as time goes on in the Scholomance meta.

Paladin Neutral 2x - Desperate Measures 1x - Archmage Vargoth 2x - First Day of School 1x - Blatant Decoy 1x - Redemption 2x - Batterhead 2x - Air Raid 2x - Plagued Protodrake 1x - Lightforged Blessing 1x - Colossus of the Moon 1x - Gift of Luminance 1x - Deathwing 2x - Consecration 2x - Scrapyard Colossus 1x - Blessing of Authority 2x - Duel! 2x - Libram of Justice 1x - Judicious Junior 2x - Commencement 1x - Turalyon, the Tenured

Deck Code


Best Paladin Decks for Scholomance Wild

Wild can be a bit difficult to predict, so here's a look at some decks that have been successful on the Wild ladder. You will find that the meta of Wild doesn't fluctuate as much as Standard does when a new expansion is released. This generally only happens if one Standard deck in particular is very dominant. Normally, you will notice that just the most powerful cards out of the set find their way into decks.

Wild Mech Paladin

Paladin has quite a few powerful Mech options in the Wild format, so you can slap those together with all of the other strong Mechs that have been in the game to make a pretty powerful deck. This is still a strong deck in Scholomance, but it has been given no help from the new expansion.

Paladin Neutral 2x - Crystology 2x - Skaterbot 2x - Glow-Tron 2x - Annoy-o-Tron 2x - Smuggler's Run 2x - Galvanizer 2x - Grimestreet Outfitter 2x - Mechwarper 2x - Shielded Minibot 2x - Flying Machine 2x - Divine Favor 1x - SN1P-SN4P 2x - Annoy-o-Module 2x - Replicating Menace 2x - Wargear 1x - Zilliax

Deck Code

AAEBAZ8FAqCAA5+3Aw6nBZQP6g+EEIUQs7sC97wCn/UCmPsC1v4C1/4C2f4C4f4CzIEDAA== Copy Code

Wild Murloc Paladin

Murlocs have done well for Paladin in Standard, so why wouldn't they do well for it in Wild?

Paladin Neutral 2x - Imprisoned Sungill 2x - Murloc Tidecaller 2x - Hand of A'dal 2x - Murmy 1x - Murgur Murgurgle 2x - Toxfin 2x - Underlight Angling Rod 2x - Fishflinger 2x - Truesilver Champion 2x - Hench-Clan Hogsteed 2x - Scalelord 2x - Murloc Tidehunter 2x - Coldlight Seer 2x - Murloc Warleader 2x - Felfin Navigator 1x - Hoard Pillager

Deck Code

AAEBAZ8FAuiwA/y4Aw7FA9sDzwbQB6cItZgDx50Dr6cDyqsDyLgDybgD9rgD+7gDysEDAA== Copy Code

Wild Libram Paladin

Another deck that was strong prior to Scholomance! However, this list actually got some help from the expansion. Devout Pupil makes the cut, and is a clear standout card from the new set.

Paladin Neutral 2x - Imprisoned Sungill 2x - Murloc Tidecaller 2x - Hand of A'dal 2x - Murmy 1x - Murgur Murgurgle 2x - Toxfin 2x - Underlight Angling Rod 2x - Fishflinger 2x - Truesilver Champion 2x - Hench-Clan Hogsteed 2x - Scalelord 2x - Murloc Tidehunter 2x - Coldlight Seer 2x - Murloc Warleader 2x - Felfin Navigator 1x - Hoard Pillager

Deck Code

AAEBAZ8FAuiwA/y4Aw7FA9sDzwbQB6cItZgDx50Dr6cDyqsDyLgDybgD9rgD+7gDysEDAA== Copy Code
